Sunday 30th July 2023
Save the date!
Following the massive success of our summer fayre last year, this years is going to be even bigger and better........ over 60 craft stalls, live music, Alapacas and their furry friends, Tea & Cake Cafe, Mobile Bar, Ice Cream, Hot Food, Face Painting, Military reenactment, Archery, Axe Throwing, Rifle Shooting, Bouncy Castles and lots more...... and new for this year, our FUN DOG SHOW!
Click here to register your dog for our dog show. Only £1 per class (payable on the day).
The dog show judge is Hannah - owner of Clean Canines Rumburgh
and the sponsor of the Dog Show is Lisa North owner of Lisa North Photography.
Crafters, if you are interested in having a stall at the fayre then please message us for further details . Pitches still available at the moment. We would love to see some plant stalls? Do you sell anything unusual? All the normal stallholders welcome, gifts, candles, pet stalls, toys, ceramics etc;
Free entry to the public - Bring along friends and family for a fab day out. Something for everyone!
Last year we were featured in a double spread of the Diss Express so we expect them again this year taking some fab pics of the day!
Want to get in touch?
Email: tracey.gillan@mwvillagehall.com
message us on our FaceBook page
or start a chat now!